I was honored to have my art reproduced at an event called “Chalkfest” during which 50-60 students spend the entire day reproducing artwork in chalk on the walkways in front of their school building. It is highly anticipated at Bolton High School in Alexandria, Louisiana and in the community.
Chalkfest is an exhibition only, and involves no fees, but rather, is a day of art and fun. This year, the students found my work entitled “Self” on the EBSQ website and chose it as one of their featured artworks for this year’s Chalkfest. (students’ rendition is below) I hope you like the interpretation of my work.
I think they did an AWESOME JOB!!
Tracie Campbell~ Bolton Art ~ Bolton High School in Alexandria, Louisiana
Bolton High School is located in the heart of the Garden District in Alexandria, Louisiana. Organized in 1915, the school has a strong tradition of academic and extra-curricular excellence and performance. A demanding academic program, coupled with opportunities to excel in athletics, music, forensics, publications, and academic competition, helps prepare our students to meet the challenges they will face as productive adults.